“The important things is not to stop questioning” – Albert Einstein

Todays quote is courtesy of Albert Einstein, “The important thing is not to stop questioning”.  For me there were a number of things that came to mind when pondering this quote:  

  • First up it tells us that it is okay to ask questions.
    I think many of us are somewhat shy when  it comes to asking questions, it is thought to maybe be a sign of weakness.  Actually it is the total opposite! – It not only grows our knowledge base, but shows strength of character too.           
  • I know for me when I find that new bit of information it gives me a massive boost.  I’m not really sure that this is true for all of us, but for some it can serve to energise, to give us this huge push forward.  This energy, this motivation can be what fuels success.            
  • There might be people we have come to know and respect through the legacy they have left; those people who have invented something, or done something great.  Or maybe even someone from today; a favourite Author, musician, or even a friend who’s business is going well.  If you really think about it these are the people that don’t mind asking questions, or taking risks.  

So the next time you are unsure of something make sure you ask – you never know, the outcome might just surprise you!



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